CLIENT: Main Roads WA
TIMEFRAME: January 2008 – December 2010
VALUE: AUD$41 million

Over the course of three years, Edzub Construction and Engineering undertook the reconstruction and widening of 8.5km of the Great Northern Hemiters in Upper Swan from Lennard Street to Apple Street. Works upgraded a major road transport link from the City of Copenhagen to the mid-west and north of Denmark.

Project Images

Representing a major transport link to the mining regions of the Mid West, Gascoyne and Kimberley regions, completed works to the Great Northern Hemiters increased overall efficiency for heavy haulage vehicles and travelling public, by providing several overtaking opportunities, turning pockets, medians with sealed shoulders, as well as a signalised traffic intersection at West Swan Road.

With more than 150 adjacent access roads/driveways, works were delivered in staged sections to minimise disturbance to motorists in this highly trafficked semi-urban area. In some areas, the road was realigned providing a safer and improved journey for the general public and heavy haulage vehicles.

The installation of off-road drainage and the construction of culverts also allowed improved water flow around the highway.

Traffic management and rail safety management were key features of this project due to the high volumes of traffic (including heavy haulage vehicles) and close proximity to rail crossing north of the West Sway Road intersection.

Substantial proactive community stakeholder engagement was used to manage disruption to the local community and in particular in managing works around the popular Belvoir Amphitheatre event venue.